Dear Marcellus Davidson Smith:
Nice photos; everybody looks just like I remembered in 1946 (MDS 6th birthday party).
Speaking of Nancy Lum, you were voted and acclaimed the smoothest ballroom dancer in our class. Pissed me off, because I thought football ends and basketball players were the best dancers; but you have photos to prove your championship.
Were you and Mardis really riding on Fairway Drive to see Betty Coulburn, of whom I lost track, when she went to Converse, or was it the beer and pretzels that Ned and Millie (Betty's parents) were serving?
Sometimes, Mardis and I would come down past Sally Marbury's house to where we could enter the B'ham country club golf course and bike across it to Montevallo Rd. where Canterbury joined it, and then home from there. I had a very bad bike wreck in a sand trap one night wheeling down the hill just below Sally's house, when my generator light went out and I was biking in the dark. Good thing I didn't hit a tree, and only dove headlong into a sand trap.
I didn't remember being such a good ballroom dancer. I think I must have had good partners that made us both look good.
Polly Fulkerson's older sister happened by and took me and my bent bike home.
To answer your question I lived in Redmont Garden apartments, until I was 9, and then on 22nd Ave. So., same street as Jimmy Brown, Marion Weldon, Bess & Jimmy Simmons, Bobby Applebaum, Billy Reed, Judy Schinert, Jane Forsyth, and Winston & Jack Martin.